Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The MLP's have arrived!

Today I got my first ever ponymail!!
I was so excited to get the package, and a little freaked out cause it didn't feel like there was anything in it *lol*.. But I quickly but carefully opened it and there they were PONY'S!!!!

I think they look really cute, and I'm in love with that sweetheart sister pony! I think that those are my favorite ones! And I really want to start collecting them. But that winger is a cutie as well, and that one makes me want to buy flutter pony's.. But for now I'm quite happy with my two new girls :)

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Pony List

Here is my list of the My Little Pony's I know I owned when I was a child, I also included accessorizes and play sets:

Year 2
Firefly (pegasus) 

Year 3
Baby Firefly
Baby Glory

Year 4 
The Snowsuit with snowman pal (clothes)
The Clown costume with clown pal (clothes)

Year 6
Bonnie Bonnets

Year 7
Sunshine pony:
- Wave Runner 
- Beach Ball
Dance 'n Prance: Tap Dancer
Loving Family Pony: The Apple Delight family
Baby Fancy Pants pony: Baby Stardust
Newborn Pony: Shaggy an Tappy
Sweetheart Sister Pony: Flowerburst, Wild Flower and Spring Song

Year 8 
Rainbow Curl Pony: Raincurl
Pony Bride

Year 9
Rocking Beat: Tunefull
Sweetsteps Ballerina Ponies: Baby Sweetsteps 
Secret Surprise: Secret Star

I also found out that I had the following:
Non-So Soft Ponies: Magic Star
non-Beddy-Bye Eyed Baby Ponies: Baby Heart Throb
Starlight Baby Ponies: Baby Stella
Grooming Parlour
The Show Stable

Bought two My Little Pony's

So today I already threw away my plan to start with recollecting my old ponies. I bought two that I never owned when I was a child. The ponies that I bought are Sweetheart Sister Starflash and Summer Wing Little Flitter!

I saw them online and they are just SO beautifull! And from what I could see on the pictures in very good condition. Especially the glitter marks on Starflash and the wings on Little Flitter. The latter only has some dry ends on her hair, but she'll be getting a good hair wash upon arriving. I'll be posting pictures when they arrive :).

Tomorrow I'm gonna go to a local flea market in the hope to find at least 1 MLP. I went to 3 thrift stores in the past week but couldn't find any ponies.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

My first pony order :)

Today I went to several thrift shops with my mother, but unfortunately didn't find any my little pony's :(. I was really hoping to find one!
So when I came home I went online looking for some good deals and came across the following site:

After browsing the page I'm hoping to order the following 3 pony's:
- Bridal Pony;
- Flower Bouquet;
- Rosedust.

The Bridal Pony will be a childhood pony for me :), so I'm glad if I can obtain that one. The other two I just loved the design and Rosedust was my favorite flutterpony :).